What is the meaning of the word "after a fashion"?


  1. to some extent copy to clipboard adverb
    • 'In fashion': fashion clothes, fashion accessories, fashion magazines, fashion models, fashion designers. copy to clipboard
  2. to some extent copy to clipboard adverb
    • Casual fashion is comfortable, practical, and unpretentious. It suits our lifestyle. copy to clipboard
  3. to some extent copy to clipboard adverb
    • Fashionable people usually wear clothes that are stylish and new. copy to clipboard
  4. to some extent copy to clipboard adverb
    • Fashionably dressed women are frequently seen in the city. copy to clipboard
  5. to some extent copy to clipboard adverb
    • I think you've mixed up the meanings of 'fashion' and 'fashionably'. 'Fashion' is a noun, referring to the styles or customs of a particular period, and 'fashionably' is an adverb, meaning in a fashionable way. copy to clipboard